How Ancient Civilizations can reveal Earth’s History

Snigdha Motadaka
3 min readJul 11, 2022


Ancient civilizations might have been more advanced than we thought.

Credit: Hubble Heritage Team (AURA/STScI/NASA/ESA)

The mathematically beautiful universe
is just a never ending series of mesmerizing fractal patterns flowing away into infinity
So might be the story of our Earth, the universe it is in

A lot of recent scientific evidence for ideas from Hindu ancient scriptures has been coming forth recently, with the existence of multiverses being the biggest revelation in Physics!

Theory of multiverse is used to explain the Universe in Hindu scriptures
Recent discoveries in Physics pointing to a theory of multiverse

So far with our advancement in science in the field of cosmochemistry, we can use radio isotope dating to help the field of earth sciences. So according to the current science, life on Earth was found fairly quickly after Earth’s formation 4.2 billion years ago. Researchers from University of Washington say there were fossils that date back to as old as 3.5 BILLION years. That’s 3,500,000,000 years ago from this era.

Keeping that in mind, and the new discovery old gigantic fossils:

it’s no wonder anything might have happened between those long periods of time here on Earth that we might have no idea about!

Perhaps the existence of giants with a far advanced ancient technology, and perhaps, multiple other simulations of creation, evolution and destruction of far more civilizations, might have happened before us current human inhabitants of the Earth. And perhaps it’s through “religion” and “myth” that this record-keeping of Earth’s past was even done. A prime example for this is the Hindu civilization’s “Hinduism”.

Looking at religion, there’s a recurring theme of “giant gods” throughout folklore from different cultures around the world:

Source: American Museum of Natural History,

Now, there is also mind boggling evidence of superhuman feats of architecture in Hindu culture that have physical geographical evidence to as of today.

Sigiriya, often attributed to as “Ravana’s palace” from Hindu scripture of Ramayana.

This leads to a great scientific case for ancient Hindu puranas to be true. They might have happened right here on Earth in the past!

This is not only specific to the Hindu civilization however. The Egyptian civilization also has it’s incredible technological mysteries of its own with the Pyramids of Giza and their god-like giant rulers!

There’s curious discoveries all around Earth:

There is also an incredible geological evidence for the famous Ram Setu bridge spoken of in the Hindu classic “Ramayana”.

This could potentially indicate that Hindu scriptures stood the test of time and now science, to show the advent of their advancement. Unfortunately, they might not stand the test of culture in current times.

Regardless of whether you believe that ancient civilizations such as the Hindu or the Egyptian and many more were advanced or not, all of this still leads to a fascinating wild conclusion that we actually have no real idea of our past as humans. The origins of humans and the earth

…is quiteee complicated and shrouded in mystery. Maybe it is time to turn to civilizations such as the ancient Hindus and their scriptures. Who knows! We, in fact, might just be living through a simulation of evolution, and destruction in our infinite parallel, multiversal universe.



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